Photo Karolina Kuras

Evan McKie

Canadian ballet dancer/Alumni 1999

Mr. McKie is currently a principal dancer for the National Ballet of Canada and guest artist with the Paris Opera, Bolshoi, Mariinsky, and Tokyo Ballets.

Mr. McKie enhances his impressive dance career by contributing to research in the field of neuroplasticity, contributing as a writer and advisory board member for respected Dance Journals, and working as a volunteer Dance Therapist at Canada's Center for Addiction and Mental Health. McKie is also very active in researching the use of dance as part of rehabilitation from depression and drug addiction.

Evan McKie was born in Toronto, Ontario and trained at Canada’s National Ballet School under such mentors as Glenn Gilmour, Peggy Baker and Mavis Staines. Thereafter Mr. McKie accepted offers to attend The Kirov Academy of Ballet in Washington, D.C and the John Cranko School in Germany. Mr. McKie began his career as a member of Stuttgart Ballet under the direction of fellow Canadian Reid Anderson and was promoted to Principal Dancer in 2008. In 2012, Mr. McKie appeared with The National Ballet of Canada as a Guest Artist and became a Principal Guest Artist in 2013. In 2014, Mr. McKie joined the company as a Principal Dancer.

Mr. McKie is also a notable guest artist with the Paris Opéra Ballet, The Bolshoi Ballet, Mariinsky Ballet and the Tokyo Ballet and performs in ballet galas and festivals around the world. Numerous in-demand choreographers who have created roles on him include Wayne McGregor, Marco Goecke, Mauro Bigonzetti, Christian Spuck, Kevin O'Day, Demis Volpi, Louis Stiens and Douglas Lee. Mr. McKie has also worked with legendary dance-makers John Neumeier, William Forsythe, Hans Van Manen, Jiří Kylián and the late Glen Tetley.  Mr. McKie has commissioned works by Juliano Nunes, Douglas Lee, David Dawson and Andonis Foniadakis for performances at home in Canada and abroad. “Of all of today's international dance stars, McKie is one of the very brightest” hailed Danse Magazine, Paris.

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