After-School Ballet Program


Celebrate your holiday season with Kirov Academy’s ASP Ballet students in a virtual performance of The Nutcracker Suite. 

Friday, December 18th at 7:30 PM

Message From Irina Wunder

It is with great pleasure to present this year's Nutcracker Performance for Kirov Academy's After School Program. We are truly grateful for all the support that parents provided to their children and our programs during these uncertain times.

We are very proud of our accomplishments and willingness to continue to pursue the arts despite the challenges that we're faced with. Kirov Academy wishes all families a wonderful holiday season this year. 

Sponsor After School Ballet Winter Performace

Contribute to our winter performance towards our efforts of creating an unforgettable performance. It is our pleasure to recognize our sponsors during our event.


The Nutcracker Suite


Pyotr Tchaikovsky 


After Vasily Vainonen



Isabella Pirzadeh

Party Guests:

Anastasia Sugimoto

Aleksandra Montemayor

Isabelle Céspedes

Rina Nonogaki

Yuna Nonogaki

Sophia Zabel

Remi Grimes

Mayla Jenkins

Harlequin Dolls:

Rosemarie Kazer

Misha Leshner

Kissy Doll:

Isabelle Cespedes


Silvia Buch

Raquel DaSilva

Ania Chesnik

Sophia Mohanco

Luca Monaco

Selene Bella Lassiter

Sydney Boykin

The Mouse Queen:

Yuna Nonogaki

Spanish Dance:

Yuna Nonogaki

Chinese Dance:

Rina Nonogaki

Russian Dance:

Sophia Zabel

Pas De Trois:

Isabelle Cespedes

Remi Grimes

Salem Shubash

Sugar Plum:

Anastasia Sugimoto

ASP Ballet Program Head:

Irina Wunder

ASP Ballet Faculty:

Irina Wunder, Caroline Linehan, Allison Cannon

ASP Ballet Guest Teachers:

Maria Shevyakova (Mariiinsky Ballet, St-Petersburg, Russia), Marianna Lobanova (CityBallet San- Francisco, CA)

ASP Ballet Work Study:

Elena Smirnova (Kirov Academy Washington DC)

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